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Callalantee Mountain

Property Owner's Association

Thank you for your interest in the Callalantee Mountain Property Owner's Association (POA).  Our POA is governed by an owner-elected board of directors serving our community and its owner's best interest.


Our restrictive covenants and community by-laws are available in PDF format by mousing over the POA Information button in the top menu and then selecting POA Documents from the drop-down menu.


Owners may access annual budget information, annual meeting minutes, board member information, and more within our private owner's section of this website (click on the Owners button at the top of the page).  Upon your first visit, you will be required to create an owner's account and then await manual verification that you are an owner of property at Callalantee Mountain Resort prior to being granted access to the section.

Callalantee Mountain Resort Logo

Callalantee Mountain Resort

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